C3.js –  A D3 based reusable chart library with deeper integration with applications dynamic data



C3 makes it easy to generate D3-based charts by wrapping the code required to construct the entire chart. We don’t need to write D3 code any more.


C3 gives some classes to each element when generating, so you can define a custom style by the class and it’s possible to extend the structure directly by D3.


C3 provides a variety of APIs and callbacks to access the state of the chart. By using them, you can update the chart even if after it’s rendered.


 C3.js | D3-based reusable chart library//

In this guide, we are going to show you how to get started with C3.

1. Setup

Download the latest version here:

Installing by Bower/Component is also available with the name c3.

Then, load the scripts and css:

<!-- Load c3.css --><link href="/path/to/c3.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"><!-- Load d3.js and c3.js --><script src="/path/to/d3.v3.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script><script src="/path/to/c3.min.js"></script>

C3 depends on D3, so please load D3 too.

2. Generate Chart

C3 generates a chart by calling generate() with the argument object, and an element including the chart will insert into the element specified as a selector in that argument as bindto.

Prepare the element to bind the chart:

<div id="chart"></div>

And, call generate() with arguments:

var chart = c3.generate({    bindto: '#chart',    data: {      columns: [        ['data1', 30, 200, 100, 400, 150, 250],        ['data2', 50, 20, 10, 40, 15, 25]      ]    }});

C3 supports the asynchronous module definition (AMD) API. If you use RequireJS, you can load like this:

require.config({  baseUrl: '/js',  paths: {    d3: "http://d3js.org/d3.v3.min"  }});require(["d3", "c3"], function(d3, c3) {  c3.generate({    ...  });});

Then, you will see the chart:





C3.js | D3-based reusable chart library//

# Chart

Line Chart

Line chart with sequential data.

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Timeseries Chart

Simple line chart with timeseries data.

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Spline Chart

Display as Spline Chart.

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Simple XY Line Chart

Simple line chart with custom x.

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Multiple XY Line Chart

Multiple line chart with multiple custom x.

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Line Chart with Regions

Set regions for each data with style.

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Step Chart

Display as Step Chart.

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Area Chart

Display as Area Chart.

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Stacked Area Chart

Display as Stacked Area Chart.

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Bar Chart

Display as Bar Chart.

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Stacked Bar Chart

Display as Stacked Bar Chart.

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Scatter Plot

Display as Scatter Plot.

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Pie Chart

Display as Pie Chart.

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Donut Chart

Display as Donut Chart.

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Gauge Chart

Display as Gauge Chart.

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Combination Chart

Display all kinda charts up in here.

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# Axis

Category Axis

Show ticks as categorized by each data.

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Rotated Axis

Switch x and y axis position.

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Additional Y Axis

Additional y axis can be added.

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X Axis Tick Format

Format x axis tick text.

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X Axis Tick Count

Set the number of ticks on X Axis.

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X Axis Tick Values

Set tick texts on X Axis.

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X Axis Tick Culling

Set cull ticks or not on X Axis.

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X Axis Tick Fitting

Set ticks position to x of data.

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X Axis Timezone

Convert time to UTC.

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Rotate X Axis Tick Text

Rotate x axis tick text.

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Y Axis Tick Format

Format y axis tick text.

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Padding for Y Axis

Set padding for y axis.

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Range for Y Axis

Set range for y axis.

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Axis Label

Set label for axis.

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Axis Label Position

Set axis label position.

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# Data

Column Oriented Data

Column-oriented data can be used as input.

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Row Oriented Data

Row-oriented data can be used as input.

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JSON can be used as input.

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Data from URL

Data from URL can be used as input.

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Category Data

Load data with x values on category axis.

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Load Data

Load data dynamically.

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Data Name

Set name for each data.

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Data Color

Set color according to data.

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Data Order

Define data order. This will be used for stacked bar chart.

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Data Label

Show label of data.

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Data Label Format

Format label of data.

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# Grid

Grid Lines

Show grid lines for x and y axis.

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Optional X Grid Lines

Add optional grid lines on x grid.

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Optional Y Grid Lines

Add optional grid lines on y grid.

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# Region


Show rects on chart.

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Region with Timeseries

Show rects on timeseries chart.

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# Interaction

Sub Chart

Show sub chart for zoom and selection range.

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Zoom by mouse wheel event and slide by drag.

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# Legend

Hide Legend

Set visibility of legend.

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Legend Position

Show legend on bottom or right side.

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Custom Legend

Build custom legend

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# Tooltip

Hide Tooltip

Set visibility of tooltip.

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Tooltip Grouping

Show tooltips as grouped or not.

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Tooltip Format

Set format for title and value on tooltip.

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# Chart Options

Chart Size

Set chart size in px.

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Change padding for the chart.

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Color Pattern

Set custom color pattern.

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Duration of Transition

Set duration of transition for chart animation.

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# Line Chart Options

Hide points

Hide points on line chart

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# Pie Chart Options

Pie Label Format

Change label format on Pie chart

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Load/Unload data as flowing

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Data Name

Update data names.

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Data Color

Update data colors.

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Axis Label

Update axis labels.

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Axis Range

Update axis range.

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Resize chart.

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X Grid

Update custom x grids.

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# Transform

To Line Chart

Transform to line chart.

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To Spline Chart

Transform to spline chart.

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To Bar Chart

Transform to bar chart.

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To Area Chart

Transform to area chart.

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To Area Spline Chart

Transform to area spline chart.

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To Scatter Plot

Transform to scatter plot.

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To Pie Chart

Transform to pie chart.

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To Donut Chart

Transform to donut chart.

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# Style

Style for Region

Set style for regions.

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Style for Grid

Set style for grids.

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Thanks for reading,
