Aug 22, 2011 | Microsoft SQL Server, SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008, TSQL
Here are few important TSQL queries to get the long running transactions and queries in TempDB for monitoring purposes. Long-running transaction: Sometimes transactions may run for long time preventing the shrinking of version store data. The below queries will list... Aug 22, 2011 | Microsoft SQL Server, SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008
This article covers SQL Server 2005/2008, and focuses on the most common ways to work with TEMPDB, not including every potential option. What Objects are Stored in TEMPDB? TEMPDB is used to store three different categories of temporary data: I. ... Jul 31, 2011 | Microsoft SQL Server, SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008, TSQL
Suppose you want to loop through all indexes and rebuild those which fragmentation exceeds 30 percent, and reorganize those which fragmentation is between 5 and 30 percent. Rebuilding or reorganizing all indexes is not a problem – you can prepare a maintenance plan...
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